Tuesday, April 03, 2007

This Post Has Been Brought to You By: Irish Breakfast and the Compound Sucrose

Right now, I want to stay up all night writing and drinking tea and reading and thinking and not doing my math homework. I know that that sentence is too long and poorly constructed, but I --- am caffeinated.

Instead I'm dealing with eigenspace. Let me know if you have any clue what that is, and I'll send you a sparkle. Honestly, doing my math homework makes me feel like someone has taken a series of drill bits and put them in my skull. Right now, that way that I'm counteracting this effect is by looking at MFA program websites. Can I take this as a sign?

I should blog in a non-snarky way about the fact that I'm not doing well in this math class which was supposed to be my all powerful signal to Econ. grad schools. Instead I'm looking ahead to a meeting with a mentor next week, where I need to let her know where I'm really at.

P.S. Where am I really at?
P.P.S. I promise that someday I will blog about something other than my navel, which can best be described as an inbetweeny rather than an outie or an innie... in case any inquiring minds would have wanted to know.


educand - said...

You have such a cute navel that you shouldn't worry about blogging about it at all. Best of luck sorting out your path, though.

educand - said...

Wait... that didn't quite come out right. I haven't actually seen your navel, but I am extrapolating and/or assuming based on what can be seen from the perspective of a casual acquaintance.

Oy. Anyway, do carry on.