Monday, March 26, 2007

Am I Not Plain? A List of Responses to Definitions

I could write a whole other post about why I'm writing this instead of doing work, but I want to write this, because there are good reasons I don't want to think about the rest of my life.


1. Not decorated or elaborate; simple or ordinary in character.
That my dears, depends on the day. But I would like to believe that femmes, when we claim that as an identity and not a descriptor are just as femme when they are traipsing through the woods with axes as when they are wearing heels, and dangling jewelry. I don't want there to be a contradiction between wanting someone to open my door for me (sometimes) and being the one wearing carhartts fixing the leaky sink. So decorations depend on the day, but I don't think simple or ordinary in character makes much sense.

2. Without a pattern; in only one color.

I am not this, and neither are femmes worldwide.

3. Bearing no indication as to source, contents, or affiliation.
Probably true. My femme-ininity is a mish-mash-genderberry-mosh-mess. I was raised by a hairy-legged woman who used her hippie cred and class aspirations to cast aspersions on makeup. I am, at base, a country girl, and a tomboy who is learning how to be a girl (more on the particular challenges of this to come). All these factors means that gender expression is a little bit up in the air, and so it is not so surprising that the gender itself doesn't bear clear markers.

4. Having no pretensions, not remarkable or special.

Remarkable and special, yes please. But can that be with pretension on the side?

5. Without title or status
Right, other than femme, and potentially lady, girl, etc., I don't want title or status. I want to be down in the ditches working on the work with everyone else. Which isn't to say that I don't like the occasional femme worship ;). It just isn't a title or status thing. It is a respect given where due thing. I hope.

6. Easy to perceive or understand; clear

I am not this, femme is not this. It is a complicated, messy, misunderstood thing. That is why Hannah and I get to have tea. That is why I'm writing this. I cannot perceive or understand myself in relation to femme, I am not clear on any of it. I don't know many people who are clear on it. So, no.

7. Clearly expressed, without the use of technical of abstruse terms
Well, here is something to aspire to, but seeing as 6 isn't true, I don't know if I'm equipped to go about describing this without the use of technical terms. I may have read too much high queer theory to be able to do that. Tainted forever by Butler and Foucault and caught red-handed in my po-mo linguistic gymnastics.

8. Not using concealment or deception, frank
When I first was called a plain femme by the online quiz, the first thing that sprang to mind was the idea of a "plainclothes femme (PF)" like a plainclothes policeman. Undercover in the gender war... Yeah, it has potential, especially because it allows the PF to be in disguise in both the straight and queer communities -- which I feel like I am. In straight spaces, I am read as straight, and in queer spaces my position is much more complicated, but I don't ever feel like I am not dissembling somehow. I would love to leave the stage sometime, but I'm not sure how. This, too, is a whole other post.

9. Not attractive.
See #2.

*I have no idea how to cite a widget, forgive me.


educand - said...

What quiz was that, anyway?

I doubt "plain" and "femme" can reasonably be juxtaposed in any context, as you imply here.

By the way, you may be interested in that call for collaborators I recently posted about, since you are, after all, a writer and one who thinks about the meaning and implications of "femme" often.

Jack Slowriver said...

Plain Femme seems like a contradiction in terms at best, and an insult at worst. I have yet to meet a femme I'd describe as plain. It's great to hear your perspective. I think too often, people confuse the adjective for the noun. I'm up for talking shop in heels, carharts, or both but am new to this blogging thing so I don't quite understand how to let people contact me. Maybe I should set up an email account exclusively for more private, blog- related conversations? Hmmm.