Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gender Trouble: An Open Letter

Dear Transguys:
I have a deal for you - let's trade! I'll give you some facial/body hair and you can give me some rack flesh*? I see it as a win-win.
Oh? That's not how it works? My mistake. I guess I'll just work on being a better feminist. Sorry to trouble you,

*I don't know how I feel about the term "rack flesh" but didn't want to offend the recipients of the letter with a girlier term. Now I just need to think of a supremely girly name for my mustache... yeah, nothing's springing to my mind, either.


educand - said...

First of all, I just don't even believe that you have any extra hair, because it is totally not noticeable.

I've heard them called "girl-staches" before, though. Er... hmm, let's see, "lip stole"? "Angel down"? "Princess threads"...?

ben said...

i'll accept donations, but i'm afraid i don't have much to return.

Chris C. said...

LOL! I'm with SC: Not much to contribute here. This is one GQ boi who totally escaped the Butch's Curse.

"Downy lip" is sort of classic and appealing. Hmm, I think it was in Divorce, Italian Style that Marcello Mastroianni's wife (Daniela Rocca) sports a hell of a caterpillar and my childish brain registered her as SEXY SEXY SEXY. I could have this confused. Anyway, it definitely made an impression on me that a moustached woman could be so hot.

The plot does require her murder, of course. *ahem*

H M FoodFreed said...

Can I ever relate. I have come to a great deal of peace with my relative *lack* of boobage in the past several years, but it still seems deeply ironic when GQ and trans folks of my acquaintance minimize or remove their rack flesh and they can't donate it to me! I guess you and I can be first in line for such transplants should they ever become possible.