Saturday, September 30, 2006

Good Morning

So, below are pictures of the quilt that I am making for Sister, Esq. and her partner. Keep in mind that these pictures were taken with my new computer -- so their quality is a little sub-par. But hey, you try taking a picture of your bed with your laptop.

This morning I got up early and scrubbed the kitchen floor and later on I will make K's birthday cake -- sourcream yellow cake, buttercream frosting, homemade lemon curd and homemade rasberry filling. I don't know why I feel the need to mention that everything will be homemade -- you folks already know this about me.

So, it's me the sunshine, the domestic arts, and the classical music station -- does life get better?

(Also, at some point, someone will need to explain to me why Blogger won't let you move pictures around in a post).


Weezy said... am so in awe. (both the quilting and the baking!) You rock!

greymatters said...

Blogger sucks. I have no advice on the pix thing.

The quilt is wonderful! What a lovely gift -- the coloring is perfect for this time of the year, too.