Friday, August 25, 2006

New Name Contest

So, I'm going to get a new computer. I will probably order it this week, and the weekend of my sister's wedding my mother, who in this context can be referred to as TechGoddess, will transfer all the stuff from my old computer to my new computer.

My old computer is an Apple iBook that came out in the summer of 2001, and she served me well through my undergraduate days. But in this new day of dual platforms and wireless, and the possibility that at some point in the near future I will want to play with data on my computer -- it's time for an upgrade (with help from the last of my money from my maternal grandmother).

So, I'm taking suggestions for names for the new computer. Suggest things in the comments, at some point I might let people vote.

Some background and ground rules: My current computer is named Miriam, my flashdrive is Esperanza, and my iPod is named Stella (yes, I know this makes me sound *totally* nuts). It's important that the name not belong to anyone in my immediate aquaintance and not be a name that I would think about giving to a potential child or pet (I do give priority to things that *actually* emote -- they get different names). I don't have a gender preference. Also if it matters in your name considerations, I'm getting the new mid-grade white MacBook. Take a peek here.

Have at it!


Weezy said...

I was thinking Sophie-- makes a good match with Stella.

Loving the jubilee though

Chris C. said...

"Blanche" makes a good match with Stella, too. Or Stanley, if you wanted to really get down to something... ;)

I wouldn't dare name my computer because of the abusive feelings I have towards it. Better to avoid anthropomorphizing it, in case I do actually kick it across the room some time.

"Gretchen" is always good...


Corinne said...

ok. other entries from non-bloggers:

Right now I'm thinking Sophie, Blanche or Martin