Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday if For Lists -- According to the Rules I've Just Made Up

  1. You wouldn't think that adding five hours to your work week would make it that much longer -- but this week has been long, and I'm so ready for the weekend.
  2. Sister Esq. is getting married in 16 days. That is two times eight. Four less than twenty, and two days and two weeks from now. HOLY SHIT. Let me be clear -- I love her partner and think she's fantastic, and the wedding itself will be fun and incredibly stressful, but the whole **idea** of it makes me.... I can't even describe the emotion - sad, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed... I just don't know.
  3. I love going to workshop, right now writing there is the most exciting part of my life, and I have to admit that I don't know what to do with that, except feel vaguely guilty and relish it every week when I get to go.
  4. Blueberry sorbet, walnuts, and a gingersnap = perfection.
  5. Tonight a good friend of mine played me some of her songs on her guitar and I read her some of poems, and it was a swap that we were both nervous about, and had planned for months, and it was wonderful. We need to do that again sometime.
  6. Today I was walking home from said friends house, enjoying the fact that I was wearing a cardigan, carrying produce fresh from her mother's garden, humming along to a song I'd just heard for the first time, and wishing that TP was going to be home when I got there. It's funny, but sometimes it's when we wouldn't be spending time together that I miss hir the most -- when I long for the ways that we would find independence and be each other's touchstones in a shared life.
  7. This weekend I'm going to the beach which will give me an opportunity to wear my Wonder Woman bikini -- with it's bright red top and blue bottoms with white stars and red trim -- Yup, it makes me pretty happy.
  8. I need to make sourdough this weekend to remind my starter that I love her.
  9. I'm thinking about buying a new computer -- which means getting rid of my computer that I've had for six years. This makes me really excited and also a little nostalgic. This will mean needing to name a new computer -- this will be a big event.
  10. It's midnight, I've only accomplished half of the tasks I set out for myself to do this evening, and I'm sleepy and I still definitely need to shower before bed.

1 comment:

Weezy said...

I'm so jealous of the wonder woman bikini and the sourdough starter. I'm thinking of starting the bake at home thing again...I had one that I kept going for about three years.