Tuesday, June 20, 2006

June In Idyllic Ancestral Home

TP and I are at my mother's house in New England State, also known as Idyllic Ancestral Home. This means that we are eating fabulous fresh produce and drinking red wine. Tomorrow I'm going to visit my ancient Latin teacher (he's ancient, so is the language). Tonight we had dinner with friends L. and M. L was my creative writing teacher in high school and is a lovely woman who reminds me vaguely of Anne of Green Gables, M is her British husband who makes me smile and is tall and lanky and an incredible dork. She is still my most faithful of critics, and I love handing her over my rare little poems to read over and comment on. Someday I'll write some more fiction as she always encourages me to, but it's so time consuming.

This evening the menu was:
-mango salsa and chips
-red wine or rhubarb juice with seltzer
-broiled wild salmon
-broiled asparagus (the fattest I've ever seen in my whole life)
-salad with four kinds of lettuce (L brought it over in an industrial size trash bag) and arugula and beet greens
-creamy basil pesto pasta
-vanilla ice cream and fudge sauce


I love being home this time of year, everything is so green and eager about life. Makes me feel the same way, and having TP here is special because everything looks new again as I look at it through hir eyes.

I'll get back to the serious stuff in a while. I'm too busy basking right now.


Weezy said...

Yum, Double yum. Bask away and have a wonderful time!

greymatters said...

Damn. Now I'm hungry ... LOL. It sounds WONDERFUL. Continue to enjoy the visit.