Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ten (Tipsy) Confessions

  1. I'm starting to think that living as a couple might be something I could do after all, after years of saying that community living was all I would ever want.
  2. Oral sex, as a blogging topic, bores me - I haven't read the posts, I haven't read the posts in response to posts or the comments. (Sorry y'all).
  3. I've found the *actual* oral sex in my life delicious, boring, hot, gross, and confusing in turns... fortunately, now we are on an upswing.
  4. I hate it when TP talks on hir cellphone for long periods of time.
  5. Who am I? I got tipsy after one beer (granted I hadn't had dinner yet).
  6. I'm really looking forward to starting NewJob next week, I love vacation, but I get fiesty and stircrazy.
  7. I drank a beer today while my two roommates went for a run -- this will catch up with me eventually.
  8. I've been wearing shorts that are shorter than any I've worn since childhood, but it's fecking hot up here. In my defense, I think they are average femme-woman length, but they aren't my norm.
  9. I'm painting new roommate's room and walked all over town covered in paint today, in the short-shorts; no one seemed to mind.
  10. I'm so pathetic at thinking of interesting confessions that I've asked TP for help, ze is feeling equally unoriginal.


ben said...

2. Good idea. I think there was some good discussion, but overall, it was BlogWars Version 528. Which is to say, we've all seen it before.

Milo said...

Ahh, the BJ wars. Twisty must be proud of the ripples she created. Collective discourse -1. Nice to see people are at least keeping their heads above it.

Weezy said...

8. this just made me laugh-- considering i my day was MADE by finding two pairs of surfboarding shorts on sale today! (I hate shopping and on a trip to Home Depot I saw them on the tent sale rack from the car.) And yes...i'm a walking trope!