Sunday, October 15, 2006

Evidence of La Femme (Identity)

So, I bought myself these two colors of lipstick this weekend along with some other markers of femininity that are highlighted later in the post. It was wonderful. I was shopping with TP and hir roommate B. -- so, essentially, for the purposes of makeup consumption -- two gay men. They bought eyeliner, I bought the above shades of red. (Mouths look so weird without faces, btw). Then we went home and played. I don't think I have ever *played* with makeup before in my entire life -- it has always been a tooth and nail struggle to the bitter end with haphazard results. Last night, it was so much FUN. Why don't most women give themselves permission to do that kind of thing?

Also, I got these at a thrift store -- there combined price was $55, but I was freaking out about being a capitalist, so I only bought the cowboy boots, and then after much conversation and
consternation. I went back and got the heels. Two things to know about these pairs of shoes:
1. They are both comfortable. I have big and wide feet, comfortable shoes are basically the holy grail.
2. The heels are a much more amazing deep plum color in person, and yes those heels are HUGE by my standards.


Chris C. said...

Is that your smile, Corinne? How charming! TP is a lucky dog, I must say!

As for the irresistable footwear, I feel a response post coming on, if I can make the time for it...


Lesbesquet said...

Why Y don't play with makeup more: It takes me 2 days to get it all off of my face, plus Y get a lot of soap or make-up 'remover' in my eyes and mouth. Y do not like that. Also, and Y do not admit this often for obvious reasons, Y am afraid of The Soap. Perhaps Y am lacking in the feminine hygiene training Y should have been given at some point well before this?

Plus, Y concur with jackadandy. We are all lucky dogs or bitches since you gave us a glimpse of your face via your charming smile.