Friday, April 21, 2006

Child of a Single Mother : A List of Thing I've Learned

1. I will never ever, ever take my education for granted.
2. I think that french toast is a perfectly reasonable thing to have for dinner.
3. I know that after someone drives 90 minutes home from work you should give them a backrub before you ask for allowance money, or anything else you want.
4. I never want to depend economically on another person, not even for allowance money.
5. I know that Mother's Day is a sham, and that I can never thank my mother enough.
6. I know that my mother will never be perfect, and that her imperfections are reflected in me.
7. I *believe* in carpooling.
8. I know the value of buying that thing you can't afford because it will make you (or your kid) happy.
9. I hate spending money on things I can't afford, and on most things I can.
10. Although I really hope to have a co-parent when I have kids, I also know that I could do it by myself if I had to, and wouldn't have kids unless I thought I could.

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