Thursday, April 20, 2006

Using a 19th Century Ailment to Avoid Pathology

TP, in finding an endocrinologist to prescribe T, really wanted to avoid being diagnosed with GID. Hir reasons for this were basically that a pathology should not be connected to how ze feels about hir gender and getting the care ze needs to be happy and well should not require capitulating to Benjamin Standards. The real sticking point is that those standards say that you have to say that you want to the be the "other" gender. Now, not believing in the gender-binary and not wanting to a man, this presented some problems for TP.

But you have to have something to put on your insurance claim. What is the answer?


TP has been diagnosed as frigid. This is hilarious. Read the last paragraph of my post from yesterday and you will find it doubly hilarious. There is also some bizarre sense of poetic justice to using a bogus diagnosis from a hundred years ago to avoid a bogus diagnosis today. I'm just sure that Havelock Ellis, or the creators of the first vibrator, are spinning in their graves right now.

1 comment:

ben said...

awesome. that's just priceless.

i love the quiet defiance of it all, of playing by the rules just enough to mock them.