Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Good, the Bad, the NPR

NPR was full of wonderful things this morning. I love NPR, the theme song is like Pavlov's bell since the news was constantly on in the kitchens of my childhood, and I would be an uneducated idiot without their news... and then there is always Will Shortz on Sunday mornings, CarTalk, This American Life. Yes, yes, I love it.

I've been here. It was one of the most amazing weekends of my life, and his description of the process of traveling to get there almost does it justice. Let me say that it took me longer to get from Quito to Tiputini, than from HarborCity to Quito.

This story has some interesting perspectives on women, men, family, and the once and future workforce. Sometime I will blog in earnest about motherhood, but not today.

And finally, Frank Deford starts talking about gender and sports, and almost does a good job, until he makes it seem like it would be better if we were still living in a cult of womanhood. I'm all for being lily-white, except when I'm not.

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