Thursday, May 04, 2006

Queer Family Quiz

Roommate L. and I are looking for a new roommate for our lovely apartment in HarborCity. Roommate M. is moving out a week from tomorrow, though we don't really need someone to move in until July 1. There are a couple alumnae from ELAC that would be good roommates. The problem is we aren't really sure a "roommate" is what we want. L, M, and I live much more like family in ways that are hard to quantify, and we like it that way. So in an effort to figure out which ELAC alumn to have join our family, we sent out this email. Feel free to write your own answers in the comments, it could be amusing, although I don't think any of my (2.35) readers are prospective roomies in HarborCity.

Some questions we have for you:
- We, in the past, have split all food and made meals together fairly
often. What are your expectations and thoughts about food, grocery
shopping, and meal cookin'? Do you have any dietary restrictions?
- What are things you like to do with rainy saturdays?
- What kind of hours do you anticipate keeping?
- How do you deal with stress? Conflict? How would you like others to
deal with your stress or conflicts with you?
- Are you looking for an apartment to come home to with family-like
friends or are you looking for more of a roommate situation?
-What are you feelings on nudity in the apartment, and open bathroom doors?
-What's your favorite room in a house?
-And, finally, do you have any questions for us?


Weezy said...

I think it is a great quiz. Where were you guys when I was looking for roommates?

Corinne said...

um... probably in junior high.

Weezy said...

And how old do you think I am????

Corinne said...

my guess is that you were looking for roomies of this sort ten years ago... which would put me in junior high, honestly i have no idea how old you are since i think you look *exactly* like the person in your icon and she doesn't really ahve an age... just a mohawk