Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Value Judgements (cont) -- More Politics, Fewer Equations

In which Lisa Duggan, queer academic extraordinaire, says in two sentences much of what needs to be said in the world today, and I nod my head in agreement, too tired to write a more indepth post, but too connected to the blogosphere to crap out on my promises.

“In the real world, class and racial hierarchies, gender and sexual institutions, religious and ethnic boundaries are the channel through which money, political power, cultural resources, and social organization flow. The economy cannot be transparently abstracted from the state or the family, from practices of racial apartheid, gender segmentation, or sexual regulation” (Lisa Duggan, Twilight of Equality, xiv)

1 comment:

Weezy said...

Love Lisa Duggan-- sapphic slashers rocks! And sorry this is such a short post too....hope you are well :)