Monday, May 08, 2006

Read the New York Times

If you haven't already find some way to read the Shorto article on Contra-Contraception in the Sunday magazine of the New York Times (I'm not linking here because you can find the NYT, I know you can, and I can't figure out how to link without you learning my user name, which is pas de cool). The article is pretty shocking, and therefore hard to read, but is so very, very important. In the, joking, words of a good friend, "No, you can't have your body back".

-- In other news, I need to start finding ways to organize and follow-through on blogging ideas as they come up -- does anyone have a system for this? Things that are still on the list are: men who contra dance, bestiality and contraception, queer femininity, what I wear when I'm not in drag, and more things that I do that are radical fun that I thought up over the weekend.

-- I had a first interview for DreamJob today, it went well, I think. My interviewer was a graduate from ELAC, which was weird, but not altogether unsurprising.

-- Roommate M. is moving out on Saturday, I'm leaving town on Wednesday (for the first of a series of exciting family events)-- I'm sad about her leaving. L. and I sent and email to B. (who might soon be roommate B.) formally inviting her to join the People's Republic of OurHouse, I hope she gets back to us soon.

-- Work is insane.


ben said...

"does anyone have a system for this?"

if it wasn't for stickies, one of my true favorite parts of OS X, i don't think i'd remember a tenth of what goes through my head, blog topics included.

congrats on the interview. :)

greymatters said...

I don't know that I'd call it a "system" in any conventional sense of the word, but since I keep NotePad open -- in a small, minimized form -- at all times as I surf (and c/p thoughts, URLs, etc. as I go), I've taken to using that as a memory prompt of sorts.

I clean it up (remove things I've used) at the end of the week, which usually leaves me with the ideas. Some of those I use; some I toss out.

Best of luck on the interview, btw.