Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Things I Need to **Not** Do with my Last Four Days In this Cubicle

1. Avoid all the work that is still on my to-do list.
2. Track all the food I've eaten today into a calorie counting website.
3. Obsess over said tracking.
4. Lose precious hours looking at websites that mean nothing to me, like the character defect personality test, and sites about which scale is the best one.
5. Blog.


Weezy said...

You could be like me and avoid it all and making it a magical cooking day.

Cook like a madwoman and have yummy leftovers all week!

Corinne said...

no, i'm not talking about fitday, i've heard that it is fabulous though... i just don't know if i want to give in to this particular desire for the fabulous...

magical cooking days are fabulous. i love them. we seem to only be able to cook for small armies at my house, so i'm a good friend of the leftover :)