Friday, May 05, 2006

TP Alert

1. I had to give TP the URL to the blog so that ze could cite some of it in a paper for a class. While I was at it, I gave ze the permission to look this place up and leave comments. So be aware, TP might lurk, and might comment.
2. So, in case there were any illusions, my real name is not Corinne. Most people in my life don't know about this blog, and I'm strangely protective of it.
3. TP is also not TP's real name, it stands for Theoretical Partner. Language is a funny thing, because we have developed gender neutral terms for pretty much everything except the people we date. If you have a life partner you can use "partner". But there isn't really a gender neutral alternative to "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" unless you resort to the saccharine "sweetie", "babe", "main squeeze". So TP is my theoretical partner, not quite a partner, we haven't really made that committment, but something more than simply "the person I'm dating". Also, TP loves theory, queer theory, literary theory, theory for theory's fuck's sake; and I love that about TP. Hence the nickname.
4. I'm going to blog about teen motherhood later. Check back.
5. I have a very exciting (!!!!!) interview on Monday.

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